CA-AM Certification Exam Prep Workshop - Live Online Instructor-led
Reinforce and refresh concepts covered in the CA-AM exam
Do you want to validate and strengthen your alliance management expertise? Increase your alliance IQ? Then plan to attend the Certificate of Achievement – Alliance Management (CA-AM) Prep Workshop as it explores and reinforces key alliance concepts that are covered in the CA-AM exam.
This interactive workshop is conducted over two half-day sessions via Zoom, led by an instructor. It covers key concepts for successful alliances, organizational elements that align alliances with corporate strategy, and partner business objectives. The workshop incorporates group discussions, case scenario analysis, and breakout sessions, fostering active participation and peer interaction. In addition, this workshop will support the foundation of concepts, principles, and proven best practices that can be rapidly applied to daily activities to improve alliance results and become a credible and effective partner.
Based on the principles covered in The ASAP Handbook of Alliance Management: A Practitioner's Guide, this review workshop will address the following areas covered in the CA-AM exam:
- Alliance Life Cycle Framework
- Strategic Rationale and Readiness
- Alliance Selection
- Alliance Execution
- Planning and Organizing Skills
- Management and Leadership Skills
ASAP professional alliance management certification translates into better business outcomes in several ways. It: `
- Streamlines and reduces your alliance team's time and effort in supporting partnerships
- Strengthens the connection between strategy and day-to-day implementation
- Helps foresee and mitigate significant partnership and alliance risks
- Fosters greater value creation through partnership and alliance insights, lessons learned, and enhanced efficiency
- Improves partnership and alliance portfolio success rates
Workshop Schedule
Day 1 | 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Day 2 | 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Workshop Bundle Includes:
Participation in two half-day Live Online Instructor-led workshop sessions, a short-term subscription to The ASAP Handbook of Alliance Management (eBook) to use as a study guide when preparing for the exam, and the CA-AM Exam. The CA-AM Prep Workshop is a requirement for becoming certified.
Click here to learn more about ASAP CA-AM certification
Lynda McDermott, CA-AM
Founding President, EquiPro International Ltd.
(6) Lynda McDermott | LinkedIn
My membership and CA-AM certification set me apart from other business professionals.
Karen Coffman, Director Alliance Management, AstraZeneca
Workshop Price | $1,999 USD
ASAP Members Receive a 20% Discount
*Discount automatically applied when you check out
Workshop Bundle Includes:
- Comprehensive exam preparation workshop
- Interactive case studies and peer discussions
- Expert instruction from industry leaders
- Certification exam
When registering for certification exam prep workshops, we strongly recommend purchasing The ASAP Handbook of Alliance Management.
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An ASAP membership is included with the non-member registration fee for this conference. This membership provides:
- Access to up to 24 virtual programs
- Full access to the ASAP Content Hub and Community
- Quarterly electronic publications