Measurement and Optimization | Metric models that help create value
Collaborative Connection Monthly
If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. We’ve all heard some version of that. Same with collaborations. Collaborations are formed to create value. Value can be both tangible and intangible. You need to create a metrics model that measures the value you are creating. You should also include metrics related to the health and strength of the collaboration because without a functioning collaboration, you won’t have the relationship capital to create value.
Keith Gaylord, author of Alliances, Strategic Partnerships and the Power of Analytics speaks to how to measure the value of your business collaboration.
About the Special Guest:
Keith Gaylord
Author and IBM Alliance Executive Veteran
During his 30 years as an Alliance Executive at IBM, Keith observed first-hand what made some alliances succeed and others fail. He concluded that potential or current partnerships require sophisticated tools to quantify alliance best practices. The right analytical tools can be used to strengthen controls, anticipate risks and reveal new growth opportunities in a flexible, but all-inclusive way.
This need led to the development of Partner to Profit, a purpose-built, cloud-based digital platform to model, plan, analyze and manage alliances.
Keith is one of the architects of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals certification program and past chair of ASAP’s Professional Development Committee.
Keith holds degrees from the University of Vermont and the University of South Carolina. He holds certificates from The Wharton School and Harvard Law School.
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