Sharpening the Essential Skill of Judgment in Alliances
ASAP Webinar
Neil Blecherman, CSAP | Technology Alliances, Partner Program Director | Nutanix
President Abraham Lincoln, when discussing the importance of preparation and planning, is quoted as saying, “Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first 4 sharpening the ax.” As alliance professionals, we all know that planning is imperative while structuring partnerships and anticipating both known and unknown events. But exercising judgment is equally important in responding on the spot to sudden changes in our alliances, which may be due to internal or external factors.
When unknown or unforeseen events occur, how can you use quick and efficient judgment to absorb information, respond to these events, and manage through the situation? Starting with a classic case study in decision theory, the presenters will expand on a true and lifesaving story to examine how to use effective judgment to drive high-impact results through unpredictable situations that crop up in the alliance life cycle. The discussion will focus on the fundamentals of judgment, and how alliance professionals can sharpen this essential skill.
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Non-Members: $69
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